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The Dream Ride Experience is more than just an event; it is a movement to make dreams come true.

The Dream Ride Experience is a day showcasing cars and family fun, all benefiting a worthy cause. The day honours men, women and children living with intellectual disabilities in our communities and highlights their determination and perseverance to overcome challenges and shatter stereotypes. Hundreds of motor enthusiasts gather at Wigley Reserve to provide an exhilarating ride to the Dream Ride Participants.

Wigley Reserve
Kids & Family, Community,
Speed Restrictions

The following 25 km/h speed restriction will apply to the following roads between 1:30pm and 3pm on Sunday 10 March 2024:

Within the City of Holdfast Bay: -

  • Anzac Highway, Glenelg between Colley Terrace and Adelphi Terrace
  • Chappell Drive, Glenelg from Colley Terrace for 50 metres west
  • Colley Terrace, Glenelg from Anzac Highway for 50 metres south